Sunday, July 31, 2022

More Diamond Lake, a Puppy Play Date, and Home!

The Diamond Lake saga continues....Friday afternoon, 7/22, Rian, our youngest daughter, arrived from Sacramento. She just bought a new truck on Wednesday and was super pumped to take it on a road trip and get to show it off. It’s a 2021 Toyota Tacoma with only 5K miles on it. Very nice!! Rian was excited to see Riley and to meet her new puppy sister, Raney. They had a blast together.

Woohoo! That truck looks good on you, baby. 😍

Sister love!

Puppy brother was not neglected.
Smoosh face.
Rian takes the best pictures.

On Saturday morning, Rog and Rian went fishing on the lake, but again, not much love. Rog got a bite on the first cast, it was a biggie and snapped his line. And then a whole lot of nothing. Sadly, Mike and Erin had to leave for home that day, so we got a group shot before they left.

Diamond Lake fishing. 
Not good when you're best shot is of a duck. Lol.

Now there's a cast of characters.
(Teddi, Rian, Tim, Rog, Mike, Erin)

In the afternoon, Rog and Rian decided to try out a spot on the Rogue River that Rian remembers fishing at when she was about 3 years old. She claims a garter snake eating her fishing worms there is one of her core memories. Too funny. The good news is they killed it! Lots of bites and lots of fun! Rog got to try out his new Tenkara fishing gear. It’s a form of Japanese fly fishing, but there’s no reel just a long, flexible carbon fiber rod. They were successful with both the Tenkara and the traditional rod/reel – so both Rog and Rian were pretty stoked. We had a lovely campfire that evening, joined by all three of the puppers.

Now this is more like it!

Evening campfire.

The puppers enjoyed the campfire too.

Rian had to leave Sunday, but not before she and Rog made another successful foray to harass the trout at their Rogue River fishing spot. 😊 They had such a great time. I’m glad it’s all catch and release or we wouldn’t have had enough freezer space! It was a long drive for Rian, but it was wonderful to see her! And of course, I'm sure meeting Raney was a draw too. 

Sissy hugs.

Rian road trippin' in the new truck.

While Rog and Rian were fishing, I had a great snuggle-fest with the puppers. They really seemed to be getting on fairly well together which is what made this next little incident feel like such a setback.

Snuggling together.

Did the ice finally break? Apparently not.

Tim and I did another loop around the lake on our bikes in the early afternoon and after I got back to the RV, Raney was in one of her “moods”. We’re noticing a fairly consistent pattern with Miss Raney, when she needs a nap she tends to gets cranky and hyperactive. She’s like an over-stimulated toddler fighting sleep. The sweet angel baby is nowhere to be seen and the bat-eared wolver-demon takes center stage. And that’s when Riley and Raney had their second kerfuffle.

They were both in the RV and she was in crazy puppy mode, barking and lunging at his face. We know that doesn’t sit well with Riley, so we were gathering her stuff to take her outside. But we just weren’t quick enough. Rog went out to grab her leash, I was standing right next to them and turned around to shut off a light when I heard Raney yip. Riley didn’t vocalize, but when I whirled around Raney was sitting at the top of stairs. We took her straight outside and that’s when I noticed she had a scrape on her muzzle.

Owie nose.

We think Riley did an air snap at the same time she lunged at his face and his tooth scraped her. No blood, but it scratched a line in the fur on her perfect little face. I felt horrible, world’s worst mommy award coming my way. Raney on the other hand, took it all in stride and was chasing after Riley within the hour. Although, she is being a little more cautious around his pointy bits, which I think shows she is brilliant as well as beautiful.


Smart girl.
Walking on a floating dock, another first.

We made a trip into La Pine on Monday, where we had a vet appointment scheduled so Raney could get her second set of shots. We had the vet check her face and she wasn’t at all concerned about the scrape. She said if it does scar, we should come up with a great story about a cougar or a bear. Frankly, I think sticking your head into Riley’s mouth is story enough! Lol.

Raney rocks her vet visit.

Wednesday morning Rog and I went for a last kayak while the pups had their morning naps. We had planned for a final campfire that evening, but the weather gods intervened. In the afternoon we had a thunderstorm and it rained buckets. So all that fine dust and dirt turned to mud. I do recall saying I didn’t think the coach could get any dirtier… well, I was wrong. Lol.

Last paddle of the trip.

Dirty dog.
This was before the rains turned everything to mud. Need I say more. Lol.

I offered our firewood to a tent camping family and we went with Plan B and took dinner to Tim’s coach for our final evening together. I wondered what we did to deserve the weather god’s blessing? We might blame Riley, since we had a brief episode of hail and you all know his snow dance is potent juju.😊

Her AKC registered name is Tundra R3 CAN'T STOP THE RAIN.
How appropriate. Lol. 

Thursday, 7/28, we spent a little time picking up camp and taking the pups for a last walkabout. Our destination was Deluxe Brewing in Albany, a Harvest Host location that we’d stayed at before. The brewery is located in an old Borden Dairy building with the original cow and logo still intact. We got settled and took Riley and Raney inside. The temps were in the upper 90’s so they enjoyed the cool concrete floors and we enjoyed a cold beer.  

Raney made several friends and even Riley said hello to a few people. It will be interesting to see if watching a friendly pup have positive interactions will encourage him to do the same. We had hoped to visit with one of Raney’s littermates, Rooster (formerly Greg), who lived about 30 minutes away, but it just didn’t work out. We did manage a short walk along the river when it sorta cooled down. 😊

Cool floor, cold beer.
Deluxe Brewing was a winner.

Deluxe is a fun stop right next the Willamette River.

We were super excited though to arrange a playdate with another of her littermates, Gunthar (formerly Peter), who lives in Newberg. Friday morning, 7/29, Raney and I took the Acadia to Newberg, while Rog and Riley headed home in the RV. Raney’s breeder, Mai, had two helpers raising the litter. One of them was Gunthar’s mom, Wendy, and the other was Debbie. We got to see both of them! It only took Raney a moment to go, “Hey, I remember you guys!” and it was game on. She loved on the people and had a total blast with Gunthar. Unfettered puppy joy is so much fun to watch (but hard to photograph – sorry for all the blurry shots!). They wrestled and chased and dug in the dirt and nommed each other for a couple hours until they finally wore each other out. I have to say, even though Gunthar was just a tad larger, Miss Raney totally kicked butt. Yep, that’s my girl. Lol.

Debbie (seated) and Wendy were so happy to see Raney again!
They had a great time together.
Debbie aptly called it a brindle blast!

Girlfriend kicked butt. Lol.

Raney goes for the take down. Lol.

Debbie brought a bubble machine too!

I was sad to leave, but on the upside Raney slept the whole way into Washington where we rendezvoused with Daddy and Riley in the RV. The Friday afternoon traffic going home was a grind, but Riley is a great traveler and our tired, contented puppy was oblivious.

When we got home, Raney was ready to greet her big sister, Randi, who’d flown in the day before from Texas. Randi was in town to attend a friend’s wedding, but we all know she really was there for the puppy kisses. 😊 We also introduced Raney to Clyde, our 16 year old cat. Clyde has helped raise several mastiffs over the years and is taking no crap. Lol. We spent several hours in a “heat event” getting most of the RV unpacked. Ugh. Rog set up the puppy pool to help keep everyone cool. I dumped a month’s worth of laundry in the utility room and will tackle it and all the other home again chores as time permits.

Randi loves up Raney.

All dressed up and ready to go!

Clyde will be teaching his own Puppy Manners class. Lol. 

Puppy pool!!

Loving the big yard and no leashes! 

Yes, Riley. She is here to stay. Lol.

Raney is having no trouble adjusting to the "big" house. 

You see, we have another adventure already planned! Randi, Raney and I are leaving for an all girl’s tent camping trip on Tuesday. It’s just two nights, but it will be fun and full of more firsts for the little girl. In the meantime we have a happy hour planned with our friends, Bob and Carole on Sunday and they’ll be bringing their new puppy, Ruby, for play time. Ruby is a maltipoo (maltese/mini poodle cross) who defines adorable. She is also a super fast ball of energy that will give Raney a run for her money. We have them both enrolled in a Puppy Manners class, however their first session scheduled for this Saturday was cancelled due to the heat. Bob and Carole stopped by for a brief introduction on Saturday afternoon, which was a smashing success. Can’t wait until happy hour when the kids will have more time and a chance to run about in the back yard.  

Ruby is tiny but fast!
Raney made a new friend.

Rog and I haven’t decided yet if we’ll do another trip this fall. Our housesitter, Jordan, left Saturday morning and we have a few days blocked off before our Boondockers Welcome guests start rolling in. If I get ambitious, I may do a short post with happy hour and tent camping photos. Stand by! 😊


  1. Seeing everyone get puppy snuggles has made me jealous!! Lol

    1. Lol. We have an unlimited supply of puppy snuggles just for the asking!
