Monday, June 3, 2024

A Star Party, Cha-Cha Pie, and Swimming with the Fishies


Davis Mountain overlook at dusk.

On Friday, 5/17, we moved to Davis Mountain State Park near Ft. Davis, TX. It was a super short drive, just 27 miles! We got a fantastic site with lovely shade trees and spent a relaxing afternoon just sitting under the trees with the pups.

A great campsite with shade trees.

We had reservations for the McDonald Observatory Star Party at 9:30pm and were watching the skies change from clear blue without a cloud in sight to solid gray overcast. The weather apps assured us we only had a 6% chance of cloud cover by 9PM so we kept our fingers crossed. For once the weather guessers came through and we had clear skies by dusk. We arrived at the McDonald Observatory a little early so we could see the exhibits. They had information on light pollution, scientific exploration using telescopes, and how the equipment has evolved and improved over time.

At 9:30pm, we gathered outside in the amphitheater for a guided tour of the stars. Out guide pointed out constellations and talked about a little bit about the mythology. Then we got to look through several telescopes, some were focused on star clusters hundreds of light years away and others were focused on the moon. It was very entertaining and educational! Unfortunately, no cameras or phones were allowed, so I wasn't able to get any pictures.

Telescopes at the McDonald Observatory.

There were several exhibits on old and new telescopes.

Starry sky over Big Bend Ranch State Park. (pic from the exhibit)

Radio telescope.

We tried to take Raney for walkies on Saturday, but we didn’t get an early enough start. She is bored, bored, bored just hanging out in the coach, but it’s waaay too hot for her to be outside in the sun. Even wearing a reflective coat (Riley’s baked potato jacket, lol) she was panting hard before we we’d made it up the first hill. We turned around and got her back into the air-conditioned coach. My pups are turning into pole princesses. Lol. To be fair, they didn’t ask to be dragged into the desert with these triple digit temps and brutal sun, so I guess we do what we need to, to keep them happy.

On the Quail Trail, for a little bit anyway.

While we were trying unsuccessfully to hike, Bob and Carole drove over to Fort Davis. The fort has six furnished buildings restored to the 1880s period as well as another 20 buildings and 100 ruins. The fort was a frontier military post during the Indian wars. From 1854 to 1891, Fort Davis was strategically located to protect emigrants, mail coaches, and freight wagons on the Trans-Pecos portion of the San Antonio-El Paso Road. It is also known for the Buffalo Soldiers that were stationed here. Here are a few pictures from their visit.

Ft. Davis Ntional Historical Site.

Restored buildings at Ft. Davis.

Since we’d missed out on DB’s Iron Grill in Terlingua, Rog mentioned that the one thing we hadn’t had yet was good Texas BBQ. He checked Yelp and found a place in the nearby town of Ft. Davis that had excellent reviews. OMG. Let me just say that Rock n Raul’s Smokehouse is a must do if you’re within a hundred miles of Ft. Davis. It’s a small family-owned restaurant reviving the award-winning barbecue recipes of its founders’ Great Uncle Raul. From our appetizer (smoked deviled eggs) to the entrée (pork ribs and brisket) and the sides (funeral potatoes, ranch beans and elote corn) to dessert (Nanna Pudding and Cha Cha Pie) there was not a single missed note. Everything was excellent!! I left out of there sooo stuffed. Everyone else took home doggies bags – underachievers. Lol.  

The rather plain exterior gave no hint to the awesomeness that awaited within.

The dining area was in the back through a curtain, giving it a speakeasy vibe. 

Heaven on a plate.

We did take home extra servings of the Cha Cha Pie and Nanna Pudding, a favorite of Bob’s that he said was the best he’s had since Savannah, Georgia. The restaurant is owned by a young couple and they smoke the meats and make everything from scratch. The owner waited our table and told us the story behind the Cha Cha Pie. She was working on new recipes for a chocolate crème pie and prepared one for her then two-year-old daughter’s birthday. Her daughter was obsessed with it, but couldn’t pronounce chocolate, so kept asking for Cha Cha pie. The name stuck and now I’m obsessed with it too! Lol.  

Nana Pudding and Cha Cha Pie. Yummmmmmm!

Since the evenings were cooler, we took that opportunity to get the pups out and about. We drove to the park’s overlook and a Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) constructed stone building for the sunset. The pups enjoyed both the drive and some social time, even if I did make them sit for pictures.

Evening light on the mountains.

Riley, Raney, and Ruby - the best puppers!

Smile everyone!
Stone shelters built by the CCC.

View through the window of the stone building.

Another super cool CCC building - perfect for sunset viewing.

Another one of Carole's awesome sunset pics. 

On Sunday, 5/19, we visited Balmorhea State Park, home of the world’s largest spring-fed swimming pool. Constructed by the CCC in 1936, the pool covers 1.75 acres and holds 3 million gallons of water! It varies in depth from 3 feet to 25 feet and is fed by the San Solomon Springs that put out about 16 million gallons of water a day. Even more awesome, much of the pool is a natural habitat so you get to swim among plants and with thousands of fishies and some shy Texas Spiny Softshell turtles too.  The temps on Sunday were over a 100°, so we found the 72-76° water delightfully refreshing. The only bummer was my underwater camera gave up the ghost after just a few pictures. At first, I thought it was a bad battery, but the display screen had died. If you have suggestions for decent waterproof camera, please let me know! Considering I bought the camera in 2005, I have no cause for complaint, but the timing did suck. I really wanted to share more pictures of my new fishy and turtle friends. Lol.

The pool is incredible!

Lots of fun in the water.

A great way to beat the heat!

One fishy friend.

Lots of fishy friends!

A spiny softshell turtle.
They were in the pool too, but my camera died before I could go turtle paparazzi.

In our next post, we’re going deep underground, so there’s awesome cave pictures coming your way.

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